To get myself out of the dull and gloomy environment I have been living in, I joined an international school. Since I love kids the most, I decided to teach grade 1-2 English. It has been 5 weeks for now. It's too much work, little payment comapred to my previous jobs but at least I am enjoying it. Those kids make my day with doses of hugs and kisses everyday.
I am being called "mama" sometimes which tingles me and sometimes makes me drop a tear or two.
And I am still jobs hunting too and hopefully I will get a great job soon.
I wanna talk about my grade 1 girls today. I love them so much! They are simply adorable. I can't ignore the fact that Abrar with her stubborness makes me crazy! Gosh I have never seen a 6 years old kid who has such a big head!! On the other hand, Malak's geniusness draws a smile on my face everyday when I see her. Rawan, the cutest girl ever never fails to make me laugh.
Today, I went to school with a yellow T-shirt with an illustration of a naughty girl who says "I don't want to be sweet" because I was teaching them how to confront bullies like the girl on my T-shirt. I had my hair dried and wore a yellow head band. Dana came to hug me in the middle of the class so I bent on my knees to hold her tight and that's when she smelled my hair. She said it smells very good. In less than a second, I had all my 12 girls jumping on me asking me to smell my hair hhhh. It was surprising but they made me laugh so hard! One of the girls asked for the name of my shampoo too lol.
Three weeks ago, Sara and Summer joined my 1st grade class. They used to live in US but since their parents got divorced, their father brought them to Saudi. They are halfies, american mom and a Saudi dad and the are the result of those stupid marriage that Saudis fall for when they fall in love with foriegners.
It has been 3 weeks now and Sara has hardly spoken a word and when she speaks she whispers in my ears only! Summer is another story, she just sings one of the songs she learnt in Day Care back in U.S. Both girls just came to Saudi 2 months ago and suffered a great deal from negligence, fightings, and divorce. They live with their grandfather and their grandmother who don't know a single English word whilst Sara and Summer know no Arabic at all!! I had to practice for a while not to mention the word "mama" in grade one because I don't want to hurt their feelings so I just stick to the word "dad" when it comes to homework or quizes.
Noor, is the girl with the most angelic face ever. I go hug and kiss her whenever she passes by. Today, I was told by the French teacher that Noor lost her dad 7 months ago due to a heart attack. One would never imagine what the loss of my dad has done to me when I am a 27 years old!! How would that be to a 7 years old girl!?
Today, she pointed at my sneakers and said "Ms, my dad has one that looks like your sneaker"! I was devastated! She still talks about him as if he is alive! She even talked about the choclate and chips he gives her for her lunch. It took me 4 years of my life to start using past tense when I talk about my dad! And still, I can't talk about him next to my family. It's just one close friend of mine whome I talk to about my dad!! I can never imagine the loss she feels nor the pain that visits her when she wakes up, nor when she sees fathers picking up their daughters from the school! It'a lot to be understood by a little brain like hers..
P.S. Thanks a lot to everybody who emailed me checking on me and asking me to be back to blogging again. I can't promise to be fully back but I promise I will try :)
P.P.S. That's me in the picture above as my girls see me lol