I can't recall all the names of those who emailed me checking on me to thank them enough! Just be sure that you are the best! You were able to draw a big smile on my face knowing that I matter for you :)
29th December was the last time I updated my dear blog! I mean it when I say it's "dear" and I totally mean when I say I miss it!!
Things have been extremely hard! Fortunately, they are getting better :)
Hmmm, donno what to start with because many things got changed since I last posted! Well, I quit work LOL! Not new to me I know. I got 3 tempting offers and I am studying them. Well, I've already made up my mind lol
My eldest brother got married last July. He is extremely happy with the girl I chose for him hehehe!
We had a new member added to my family, a nephew to be exact who will be 1 year old in a few days.
Been 4 days for me in bed! A very severe flu attacked me when I kissed my brother. So, no more kisses whatsoever! I have just left bed, got a shot on the butt which seems to be working well LOL
I am in a vacation now, and yes I do cook everyday lol! Not the chef but a senior assistant lol
P.S. Happy belated Ramdan, Christmas, New Year, birthday to everyone whom I missed.
P.S.S. Coming in 8 days, my birthday :D