I am so happy I am still working out though it's not daily as before. But at least, I am a survivor doing it in such killing hot weather :P
The list of the people whom I see everyday is decreasing but there is this new weirdo that I have been seeing the last 4 weeks.
1st of all he is stupid. 2ndly he is stupid. 3rdly he is stupid!! I don't know from where to start even because whenever I want to describe him I see the word stupid written in bold in front of me!
Literally, this guy appears to be in love with me. Everyday he wears a different training suit to show off in front of me. He doesn't leave his car until he sees me going in the park which used to freak me out but not anymore. He showers in 3-4 different perfumes just to seduce me with his killing smell whenever he passes by me. I spend an hour and a half walking and still I could smell him from miles!
He keeps on giving me these "I love you looks" with a big smile on his face! He sits on the bench when I go to buy water just to observe me closely. Once he was on the phone which I know was a lie and when I passed he started saying his cell phone number thinking that I will go bonkers and take it down!! I put my music on the highest volume then and ignored him!
It's only this guy, there are others but this one doesn't give up at all!! To put an end for his stupidity, I started to take my 6 years old neice with me. She loves me the most and moreover enjoys my company. She is very serious about the working out that she prefers it over the swings over there. Bringing her with me made the guys think that I am married lol. So, that was chilling things down. But this guy never gives up!!
One day I was on the phone with one of my best friends and that's when I noticed that he was behind me listening to my phone call all the time. By the way, the phone call lasted 30 minutes and it was about her bf and I was playing the role of Dr.Love as she always calls me. How did I know that you're wondering?! Well, one of the guys passed by me and started addressing the stupid guy saying "Are you O.K?, you have been walking slowly for two rounds now". That was a hint to me so I turned around and gave him the angry cat look! I really wanted to scratch his face with my nails!
I stopped walking for a week because of the visitors who come home for my sister and her baby girl. Yesterday I went there and guess what!! He entered the park just when he saw me!!! He gave me one of his widest smiles which really made me disgusted. I put my earphones on and started walking. After 3 rounds, he was on the bench waiting for my majesty to come. I was walking and giving my neice a science class about light and shadow and she was all excited. That's when the idiot pointed at me saying "Why do you bring her everyday?!, she gets tired and she is too young."! I looked at my neice who was smiling and continued walking!
I know that was one of his ways trying to hit on me or something which merely added to his stupidity!!
Ididot, it has been a month!! Didn't you get the idea that I am not interested in you!! Didn't you understand that I would never fall for a stupid guy like you! I hate your guts! I hate your smell! And I hate your stupid sunglasses!!
P.S. Please die! :P