He crossed a closed street and the victims were us. My sister, her husband, her two baby girls and the unborn baby inside her were there.
My two sisters and I were at the back of their Jeeb. The hit was very strong that could have made us unconcsious.
Thanks to God, the car got stopped after hitting a sign. If it weren't for the sign, I don't know what would have happened. You can imagine that in the middle of a very wide busy street during prayer time. The car was really damaged but thanks God, we are all safe and sound.
Thanks God, a new day was written to all of us :)
Subhanallah im glad to hear your all alright Alhamdulilah...
Thanks sweetheart :)
El7mdillah 3ala salamatkum :-O :*
2lhamdillah 3ala salamitkom!! thats what I hate about those under-aged driving!!! and whats unbelievable is their own parents alow them!!
Al7umdelah sweetie you all are safe! This is freakish especially a preggy woman is in the car. Damn those teenage kids!
Al7humdilah, you're fine and you're family too. The authorities got hold of the kids? Hope they got to pay for their actions.
7amdilla 3ala salamatkom ... i hope the little ones didn't get too scared
Al 7mdullah 3ala al slamah =]
al 7mdellah 3la salamatik .. n ur family
El7mdillah 3ala salama... next time mention everyone is OK at the begining.. i was holding my breath all the way reading your post hoping to hear that everyone got out safe.
again, El7mdillah 3ala salama... :)
Al7amdellah 3ala salamatkom!!!!
ma tshoofo sharr :S
el7amdlellah 3la el salamah :/ omg ya Rabbi lak el 7amd wel shukr for saving you and your family
OMG, el7emdellah 3ala salmatkom, allah 7afa6'kom !
allah yehdeehum hal-shabab :/
alhamdulilah 3a salamitkum
al7emdella 3al salamah aham shay u're all fine :)
Oh my god!!
7amdilah 3ala salamatkm o_O
Thanks you all. I really appreciate it :)
I promise to behave lol
7amdilah 3la salamtkom...glad you all are safe!
al7amdellah 3ala salamatkum! glad ur ok!
Oh el 7amdellah 3ala salmatkom walla ..
7imdillah 3ala ilsalamah
oh my god!
kha6akom el sow inshallah!
i hope ur all doing ok!
and i hope u took those stupid teenagers to the police!
7esbe allah 3ala ebleeshum!
al7amdulliah 3ala el salama...
Alhamdullilah you are fine :) so sorry about the accident but glad that everyone is safe and sound!
BTW I passed by to tell you I gave you an award :) please check it out here..
Alhamdulillah you are all fine!
Thank you all
You're the best :)
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