Friday, 29 May 2009
El Oreanato

I have been downloading movies like a freak recently! Afew were so so, most were rabbish but this one mesmerized me!
You know that I don't like anyone to spoil a movie's story to me and neither I like doing that to people lol
So, looking for horror and suspense, this is your movie!
Oh, did I mention that it's a Spanish movie? I did now :D
Watch it my dear bloggers. Eshd3wa, you're still behind I know but you gotta shake it a bit lol
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Till when Saudi Arabia!!

I was heading to Chillies yesterday to meet my best friend when I saw the huge clouds of smoke climbing the sky. I kept on following it until I saw the flames of fire and could locate the place as a chemical store near by. It was horrible!
Since it was near the rail-way station, we had to stop once in a while. During one of our stops I saw the fire fighters trucks heading to the other way. I was like WHAT!! Can't they see that the fire is in the left when they're going to the right!!
My driver was like "This fire started since the early afternoon, the aid just came and when they reached the fire, they discovered that their trunks were out of water so they went to the ocean in the other side to fill them with water"!!
How on earth could fire fighters come all the way to the fire location when there is no water in their trunks!! Is that what they call safety?!
P.S. I knew that they will write about it in the news paper today saying that no damages happened. All is OK and the fire was extiniguished in no time! I saw it in the newspaper but didn't have the heart to read rabbish!!
For God's sake Saudi Arabia! Wake up!!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
TAG: Eights Meme
Asoom from The Diary Squel has tagged me. So, here I am doing whatever this tag asks me to do :D. Assom, emwah
8 Things I'm looking foward to
Getting my dream job! hope the waiting won't be any longer
Meeting my friends in Monday.
Becoming an aunt for the 9th time "mashalla".
Spending an entire day with T my sweetest sweet.
Attending A's engagement :D
Pursue my higher education if I got the chance.
Making my eyebrows thicker this time :D. They are already thick but I wanna more lol
. Reaching the perfect weight soon :)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
Open a new female department for the girls at KFUPM. If only I studied there, I would have changed Saudi :D
Sponsor an orphan.
Get a visa card with a never ending account :D
Oh, driving! Not that I would kill to driver but I am sure I will be way better than those hasty drivers out there!
. Read minds.
Speak 5 languages.
Travel a lone or with a friend
Lead the life I want.
8 Things I love
Choclate Ice Cream
My friends.
Pina Colada.
Set Coms
Chciken BBQ Fillet
8 bloggers I tag
Desert Rose
Gone Bonkers
Zee Zee
Stand Alone
Asoom from The Diary Squel has tagged me. So, here I am doing whatever this tag asks me to do :D. Assom, emwah
8 Things I'm looking foward to
Getting my dream job! hope the waiting won't be any longer
Meeting my friends in Monday.
Becoming an aunt for the 9th time "mashalla".
Spending an entire day with T my sweetest sweet.
Attending A's engagement :D
Pursue my higher education if I got the chance.
Making my eyebrows thicker this time :D. They are already thick but I wanna more lol
. Reaching the perfect weight soon :)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
Open a new female department for the girls at KFUPM. If only I studied there, I would have changed Saudi :D
Sponsor an orphan.
Get a visa card with a never ending account :D
Oh, driving! Not that I would kill to driver but I am sure I will be way better than those hasty drivers out there!
. Read minds.
Speak 5 languages.
Travel a lone or with a friend
Lead the life I want.
8 Things I love
Choclate Ice Cream
My friends.
Pina Colada.
Set Coms
Chciken BBQ Fillet
8 Things I Did Yesterday
Went to Applebee's to celebrate my neice's graduation from KG who slept when the dinner was served. So, there was no party
Had an argument with my best friend and hated myself for it SO MUCH!
Did some cleaning
Oh, dried my hair! Has been ages since I did it since my hair is soft lol
Went to the park with my nephew who got tired in the 2nd round!
Watched a movie which turned to be gay movie :S
Watched British Got Talent and LOVED Aiden the dancer and that little girl who sang for Alicia Keys
Took some photos :D
8 Shows I Watch
Gossip Girl
Samantha Who
Lie To me
Shameless>> started but stopped
7 will be Fringe since it's waiting in my hard desk
8 will be Entourage since it's waiting too lol
8 bloggers I tag
Desert Rose
Gone Bonkers
Zee Zee
Stand Alone
Friday, 15 May 2009
Is sexually abused! p3

Though it was hard for her to remember but she wanted to remember it! She was becoming a bride and the stories of girls not being virgins and the revenge of their grooms, the utter sadness and shame of their families, and the scandlous life she was going to lead scared her the most!! She did nothing wrong! She was just a victim and moreover a baby!! What was devastating was that she didn't remember if anything more the touching was happening! It was like her memory got frozen for certain reasons! The story of girls being killed in their wedding days because of their virginity being lost! What if people thought that she lost it on her own will because she was flirty?! What if that caused a big scandal to her family!!?
A year later, she got sick and had to visit the doctor frequently. She was havin problems with her PMS. She had to do to this check up to make sure everything is alright but she was hesitant to be exposed. That was when the doctor told her "don't worry, I am not gonna touch your virginity layer, I can see it clearly so no worries"!! She cried and cried and cried! She later understood that it wasn't a dream! It was merely beautiful reality!
She heard the news and was in utter shock! He got engaged and he was getting married!! She saw the girl and felt a strange sense pity mixed with disgust for her! He was an animal!! How can he be a father for God's sake when he himself betrays childhood and an innocent soul!! She had more than once thought of calling her and telling her all the story! She just couldn't! "That would make a scandal" she thought. It would ruin the relationship between her father and uncle which she would never agree on! If the son is an animal in the shape of a human being, the uncle has nothing to do with it!!
The wedding date was soon! She felt disgusted everytime someone mentioned his name or talked about his marriage preparations! The invitaions came and her sisters were excited to attend thier eldest cousin's fancy wedding.
She didn't wanna go. Her sisters pushed and pushed but she was still against it. Her dad asked her to go and she obeyed hesitantly. She couldn't deny an order from him at all.
She went and saw the bride all dressed up with a fancy dress full of crystals and feathers. She was just staring, not hearing, not seeing anything! All what was in her mind was he naked before her asking her to touch his penis...!
"The groom is coming to the hall", they announced!
She couldn't move her legs! She was stoned! Seeing him would be the 1st time in how many years?! 12 or 13 years! She wished the earth could swallow her and not to see him holding hands with his bride who had been blinded by him!
She saw his ugly face! He was handsome as everybody said but to her he was a monster and a very distorted image of the devil in a human form!
She did nothing! She just raised her hands and prayed! She prayed to God from the bottom of her broken heart! She asked God never to give him kids ever!!
It has been 7 years since he got married now and till now he doesn't have a single child. Though the doctors say that everything is OK!! She thanked God everytime she heard his family praying for him to have kids! No, No, No, she is not cruel or cold blooded! Her wound would never be healed! Not having kids is a bless from God! She is sure that he knows the reason behind it!!
P.S. That wasn't any thing but reality. Actually it is my real story and the childhood I lived I guess. Surprisingly enough, A and I became close friends not knowing that both of our childhoods were betrayed by our so called relatives. A's victimizer whom you can call her brother "sorry I don't call that a brother" has been married for 6 years now and is also with no kids. "A" asked from the God the same thing I asked for!!
It's a history for both of us now but it still aches. I was hesitant to mention the fact that it's my story but so what!! I have been a victim!! I have never talked about this to any of my family members, even my best friends knew it about it only a few years ago.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Working Out

To kill time and most importantly to lose some weight, I have started to walk for an hour everyday at a park near my house.
The 1st day was killing because my foot got wounded because I was wearing a half shoe lol
The 2nd day was tiring because I wore my sister's shoe which is 1 size smaller than mine so you can imagine my swollen tiny toes lol
The 3rd was good because I finally bought a good shoe, Nike of course and it's awesome :D
In the 4th day, I started to get bored while walking. When I reached home I was like "Why don't you take your Ipod stupid" lol. I literally forgot it because it has been ditched :D
The 5th day was yesterday which was marvelous :D. Well, walking with Craig David singing in your ear is the best!! Tell me why?!
1st of all I don't get to hear those stupid guys commenting or staring at my boobs and murmuring!
2ndly, time passes quickly with music shuffling you know!
I pass by different types of guys especially the weird type. There are those guys I wait to see everyday so that I can laugh :D
One is the guy walking with his thobe and shmag! He makes me laugh because he wants to excercise but at the same time maintain being elegant lol>>>typical Saudi
Another is the old guy who keeps in showing off when I pass by him.
Another one is the guy who keeps on avoiding looking at my face as if I am that great deal of seduction lol! I wish I can take a picture of his face and show you that expression lool
Another is the guy who also wears thobe and shmag but has this marching walk I have never seen in my life! He marches in a way that makes me feel he is running to hug me especially with that big smile on his face hehe! I swear I can see him now lol
The last guy is this VERY handsome fellow with mesmerizing eyes! Awww. Just seeing him run with his hair dancing with the air is enough for me!
We always meet at the beginning and ending line of every route. His outfit is stripes of black and blue. I know it resembles a team but I am not into soccer so I don't know what is it lol. So, he tries his best not to look at me but his eyes fail him when I come closer lol. I love that feeling. The only thing I hate about him is that he doesn't have a beard nor a mustache! I wish he can have saksoka because it would look great on him :D
Oh forgot to mention the weird group of girls who excercise with their jeans :SSSS. Not any jeans but very long ones that cleans the way for everybody else lol! I wonder if they know that such pants are not to be worn while working out!?!
P.S. I haven't been active in writing nor commenting! I really donno why! Sorry
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Is sexually abused! p2

She was only 7. She had just started going to school and those days were the happiest ever! She was a child full of enthusiasm, innocence, and optmimism.
She was very smart at school. She scored the highest scores though she used to teach herself by herself, no help from anybody at all. She was passionate about learning.
Though she was 7 but playing with kids wasn't her thing. She loved to mingle with adults because she felt that her mind is way bigger than hers. Her parents treated her like an adult too.
She loved her uncle a lot since he was the closest to her dad. She loved his kids too. S was at her age and K was a few years younger. His eldest son used to visit her house frequently. She loved him because he used to carry her a gift in every visit. He used to take her to the back of the house and push her while swinging. She loved finding herself in the sky breathing the sweet air and laughing as hard as she could. She trusted him a lot.
Since she had no kids at home with her, he became her friend. He was in 9th grade maybe. He played with her so many games. The game she will never ever forget is "Doctor and a Patient". He asked her to pretend that she is a doctor and he is a patient and asked her to make him a check up. She loved the concept and quickly agreed!
He took his clothes off one by one. She was perplexed for she has never seen such a thing. He calmed her down telling her that she will check his lower part because it hurts and so she approved. He then asked her to take off so he can explain to her the difference between the body of a girl and a boy. She was afraid but he told her that since she is a doctor she has to know the difference in the human body. She got excited because she loves learning and so obeyed him.
She started to get irritated from him after he started to touch her. She didn't know whether it was a good or a bad thing but something inside her made her fear him. She didn't know who to tell! She was afraid to get yelled at so she stopped.
He kept on coming home with more toys. Hearing his voice gave her a shiver down her spine! She kept on hiding in the bathroom until he leaves. His visits became less until he stopped it forever.
She grew up, went to college and was a very smart girl. She didn't tell a soul about it. Just remembering what happened to her for almost 2 years and a half made her cry a river! What hurt her the most was her inability to talk about it!!
P.S. This is not A's stroy but both are related because both girls are close friends. Sorry for not continuing but writing such a story is the most difficult thing ever!
To be continued
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