Sunday, 1 February 2009

Death...took him away, they say so!

When people lose their fathers due to death, they lose them once for there is no returning back. I lost my dad 3 years ago and last Friday, I lost him for the 2nd time. I lost my uncle due to a sudden heart attack. The only person who remained to my family and I after my dad. I couldn't believe I would live after my dad but my uncle was my back, my shoulder to cry on, and the hand that weeps my tears!!

They say he died but.. I don't believe them!!

"Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return"
The Cow, 156


Eramsurviv0r said...

I'm sorry to hear that.Nothing hurts more than loosing someone who really cared for you. It hurts so much you feel like your heart is actually bleeding.

allah ye'3fer lah o yer7amah, god rest his soul. may you reunite with him and your dad in the after life inshallah.

Nutter said...

Enna lellah w enna elaih raj3oun...

7abebty 3atham Allah ajerkom ... w y5lef 3alaih bel janna ...

Allah y'3fer lah w yr7amah br7metah el was3ah w y9abberkom...

3ashig said...

I am sorry to hear this news, please accept my condolences.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't be sad sweetie, I will always be there for you =(

FingerPrint said...

inah lilah w inah elaih raj3oon .. allah yr7amah w y'3m roo7ah el jana enshalla ..

Nani_37 said...

enna lellah wa enna elayhe raje3oon .. I'm really sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear that. InshaAllah, everything will be fine. Just take this as a test from the Almighty.

Mina said...

Sweetheart so sorry to hear you lost your uncle, please stay strong we are all here for you, and that verse in the Quran is so true walahi...
We belong to Allah and to him we shall return...

May Allah have mercy on his soul and grant him Jannah.

His Sweetheart said...

Thanks all

I really appreciate your kind words

Ameen to all of your prayers

shamma aldabal said...

aw huni .. i won't say i know how u feel cuz i don't ..
i'm soo sorry to hear about ur loss sweetie ..
allah ya36eech el gowa wey9aberch wey9abir ahaleh ..
walla yer7ammah weysaknah el ferdooos el a3la =)

His Sweetheart said...

Thanks sweetie

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read this. Life is changed forever when we lose those we love.
I am so sorry for you!

sophie922 said...

Oh my goodness, 7abeebti. I lost my father very suddenly two years ago, and I am still in disbelief. He was my best friend and center of my life, and losing him was truly an experience that I couldn't possibly describe in words. 7amdilah though, we have such a beautiful deen that provides us with so many answers and reminds us of the true nature of this dunya. It is but a fleeting world that all will leave behind, in due time. Until you meet your uncle and father again, keep your iman strong and keep your mind, heart, and soul focused on the remembrance of Allah (SWT)!