Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Can I undo it PLEASE!!
I accepted low salary at a tiring and blood sucking job just because I want to escape the gloomy atmosphere at my house. Don't get me wrong, my family is really patient and they don't complain but what kills is that each one of us is quiet, just waiting, just thinking, and just dreaming and praying.
In my last post, I talked about "Sara and Summer", the two lovely girls who study in my Grade 1 class and how torn they are because of their ill-relationship between their mum and dad which ended up with nothing but divorce.
Sara hasn't spoken a word since she joined school. If I pushed her to talk, she would whisper in my ears. Even her friends keep on asking why doesn't she talk!!
Summer had been more active than Sara, at least her voice was heard. However, Summer has totally collapsed since last month. I would call her name 5 times but she wouldn't reply as if she had just blacked out. Her behaviour changed for she became so quiet, she shivers all the time, and she just draws on her desk.
Her case has been occupying my mind as well as the other teachers. The only thing I feared was she being sexually harrassed. I took her aside one day, gave her some candies and asked her if there is anybody who touches her in her special area. She said yes.. but then said no.. I didn't know what to believe for she is a kid and sometimes kids would misunderstand things or get perplexed.
I met her dad today, sorry for my language but her dad is such an ass!! I don't know how I managed and didn't hit him in the face today.!!
He hasn't found a job till now, he has moved to Saudi for 6 months now and is still unemployed!! His dad is retired and his mum calls her grandchildren "donkeys" since they are the result of their stupid dad's behaviour. His 2 girls come to the school, spend 7 hours every day with one sandwhich and one juice only!! My other students' mums called me saying that their daughters put extra food for Summer and Sara to eat because they are always hungry. Today I told him that even if you're poor, a bag of sandwhich which contains 8 sandwhiches costs only 1 Riyal!! So, putting 2 sandwhiches won't bother!! Imagine what he said " No, it's not poorness but 1 sandwhich is enough for a 30 minute break"!!I told him they are only 7, they run and play and need energy and they finish this sandwhich in the 1st 5 minutes!!
I informed him about Summer's behaviour and how I am really worried that the child might be sexully harrassed. Imagine what he said!!?! He said "Yes, they had been.."!! Not only Summer, Sara and David were molested too..
I swear my blood was boiling and I stood up planning to hit him or even spit on his face!! He hardly spoke after I pushed him to and told us their tragic story..
Their mum was an addict, alchoholic, and moreover a prostitute.. The social service in US has arrested the mum and started an investigation about the 2 girls and their brother David. He had a restrain order from the court he said that he shouldn't approach them!! I told him how come you're restrained when you're their own father!! Did you honestly molest them?! He said No, but you know how americans treat Saudis!! I was like, come on! I can't buy this crap! Even if you have been ill-treated by the US, didn't you go back to the Saudi Embassy and ask for help?! He said yes but they didn't do anything!!
They were sexually harrassed but they don't know by who...
I can't write anymore...I am sorry..
Monday, 9 November 2009
Just Ranting

Wednesday, 23 September 2009
My mind is lost...

Sunday, 6 September 2009
It's the Fourth year daddy

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
I am sorry my dear blog and I am sorry my dearest readers for being such a bad-ass-blogger lol !
I swear I can hardly find some me time!
Since we flew our dear maid that I hate so much away, I have been working my ass off doing chores at home! I am a princess! I am never used to wiping, cleaning, washing dishes and cooking!
It used to be 2 chores a day but now in Ramadan, it's all messed up! A big house with no maid is the biggest disaster ever!!
4 months ago, our maid got sick, really sick! Her face was so big and her body was yellow and pale. We thought it was just an alergy so, we let her rest and sleep all day long while my sisters and I serve her. We cooked food for her, cleaned the house instead of her as well. She got worse so we took her to the hospital. They suspected her disease so they decided to put her in an isolated room fearing the disease to be contagious.
I was really worried on her and accompanied her in the hospital and made sure she is O.K. Even during the visiting time, I used to visit her with my sisters and bring her food and new clothes. I asked every visitor to wear a mask and cover their faces with the shaila because I was worried on her being hurt.
2 days after, the result came. She was O.K, nothing serious but there she had an infected lungs. The Doctor said that she wouldn't be able to work, use cleaning stuff and she should rest!!
Since we respect maids privacy, we don't search their luggages and rooms except when they arrive and when they departure. I went to clean her room and change the bed sheets and I was shocked! REAAAALLY shcoked!
I saw wonders!! Her bed was satined with blood and urine! Their was two big pots inside each other with dirty water inside them. There were 2 cups on top of each other, one with a peeled orange and the other with a rotten orange! There were some pads, stained ofcoruse! My siserts brand new T-shirts were found there. My missing Chanel watch was under the bed! Not to forget the big amount of money and jewlery! Even my neices rubber bands and hair clips were there!
Many many missing stuff were there that almost belonged to every member of the family. We asked a shaikh about some of the stuff we found there and he asked us to either burn them or toss them away in the ocean saying that these are pre-magic things. Her said we should be thankful that she got hospitalized so that her ugly truth got revealed!!
My mom was in denial!! She was like any one of us! She used to have her share of lunch that I wasn't even counted for when I was at work! My mom buys her every single thing she asks for and never takes money from her salary like what some families do!
The moment her treatment was over after spending 10 days at the hospital, her flight was out waiting for her. I went to her and told her that the doctor said we should get rid of everything she has and we did! We bought her new clothes, new bags and even asked her if she wanted to buy anything because we were afraid that she might have the intention of doing something more. Before she left the hospital, I told her that the doctor said she got her disease because she was filthy and that if she doesn't take care of her hygiene, cockroaches will come out of her skin!
So, yes we have been maid-less for 5 months now with never ending home chores!
On another note, we discovered that our neighbors, those who just have a wall seperating them from us were down with swine flu!!! You know how Saudis were lately in the streets with their masks on. We saw them entering and leaving with masks on and we were like, oh like everybody!!
But when we heard the news, we were really shocked!! They were having their daughter's wedding when a relative of them came from another country with the disease! 2 of the bride's youngest brothers got sick, 2 elderly women as well! They were all healed like a month ago but why didn't they inform us so that we become more cautious!!
On a third note, I got many birthday gifts :) :)
A blackberry
A fancy bag
A sexy shoes
3 perfumes
A funky T-Shirt
A wonderful set of candles craved with my name
A sweet necklace
And I know that more are yet to come :P
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Happpppppppppppy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaay to meeeee
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Garbage Trucks!

Friday, 21 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Congrats to the bride! Congrats to the groom!

Saturday, 8 August 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Learning the Arabic language
As known, Saudi students when sent for scholarships abroad and in UK specifically, live with British families who consider them part of the family. Being with them helps in getting the language faster especially with everyday talk.
The British students "William, Maria, Jack, and Robinson" expressed their wish of being accepted by Saudi families in the summer to live with and hence learn the language through a letter that was distributed in facebook.
They reassured the saudi citizens that they are fully aware of their traditions and cultural differences. Robinsion expressed his sincere desire in learning the Khaleeji accent as he calls it for most of the British people who speak Arabic use either Egyptian or Syrian dialects.
Some Saudi guys loved the idea as it might transfer the image of Saudis being good at heart not as what some foreigners think of especially after 9/11 crisis which is still affecting some of the Saudi students who are studying abraod.
Some Saudis were harsh in their reactions that British living inside conservative Saudi families is a sin especially with the religion differences and the taboos of the Saudis.
In my own humble opinion, having students like these would be a great thing for both countries. It will wipe out the Saudi-Terror-Image and strengthen the bonds of both countries.
The question is of what type of families to live with??!It is a bit difficult especialy with Saudi Arabia being known as the 1st and the most strict country in its traditions, segregation, and male dominant society which is a big hinder. However, those students can be hosted by some families who are quite open to such things and I guess those would exist in compunds that are being mingled with foriegners and Saudis. Having these two big diversities together let each part stoop to conquer which at the end resulted in mutual understanding and harmony between each other.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Don't copy if you can't paste!

A popular motivational speaker was entertaining his audience.
He Said : "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife!"
The audience was in silence and shock. The speaker added: "And that woman was my mother!"
Laughter and applause were heard.
A week later, a top manager trained by the motivational speaker tried to crack this very effective joke at home. He was a bit foggy after a drink. He said loudly to his wife who was preparing dinner, "The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!"
The wife went; "ah!" with shock and rage. Standing there for 20 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the manager finally blurted out "....and I can't remember who she was!"
By the time the manager regained his consciousness, he was on a hospital bed nursing burns from boiling water
Moral of the story:
Don't copy if you can't paste!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
To you and only to you!

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Ever thought of those you love! How would they react when they hear the news of your D.E.A.T.H !
If you don't C.A.R.E about your life, hell with you! Just be considerate and think of those who L.O.V.E you!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Make my dream come true!

I talk, sit, eat, and drink with my family and friends but they all know that my mind is just not present!
The interview timing hasn't been set yet and this is what worries me because sometimes they hire people who know someone who knows someone and that someone knows someone! My C.V got accepted and I heard a lot of nice talk about it but I am just scared.
It has been 3 months since I quit my job. I am not regretting it but I am never used to staying at home. I have started working before graduation so this unemployment stage is totally new to me. It's really draining especially when my mom sees the world through my eyes! She has lots of hopes in me and I don't wanna disappoint her!!
I am an optimistic girl full oh hopes and future plans and I would never give up but sometimes desperation crawls into me and let me drown in a sea of tears! It just makes me have doubts and lots of doubts, not in me and my abilities but in this world!
I hope the interview timing is announced soon so that I can relax a bit!!
P.S. Getting this job would make me the happiest girl on earth!! I need luck and I need never ending prayers!
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
What's next Saudi Arabia!!

My 7 years old and 3 years old neices haven't gone to any fairs since their mom delivered their new baby girl. They were getting bored staying home all the time so, I offered to take them to a fair to play. My 15 years old sister accompanied us.
We had dinner and then headed to buy the tickets. I left the choice to my neices to choose whatever games they want to play with. I was going to hand the Indian guy who is resposible about the game they chose the tickets when he started murmuring and pantomiming.
I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Later, I understood that my 15 years old sister is not allowed to ride the rollercoster because she is "old". I was getting angry because my sister got shocked and was almost crying! He told me that it's the order of "Muttawa" aka "The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice". He was drawing a beard with his hand to explain it clearly to me that the umttawa has come and told him and some of his colleagues that if any females are seen riding the hollercoster or whatever game it is, they will shut down the business and cause their unemployment!
He was pointing with his finger that the muttawa is somehwere there observing. I stood there for 30 minutes waiting to have a talk with him but he never showed up!! I was going to cause a scene and I didn't care about whatever might happen there!
My sister is just a kid! Whoever female who wants to ride whatever has the ultimate right to do so!! I haven't read about any rules or regulations prohibiting it!! Just thinking about it is stupid because it is merely stupid!!
What's next Saudi Arabia!
P.S. Hope you will like my new background. A sweet blogger emailed me telling me that I am enveloped in blackness. To prove him wrong, here you go :D
Saturday, 4 July 2009
If I were a bird..

He cried his lungs out and shouted in pain! He couldn't believe that the love of his life took her soul away with her!

Until he realised that she will never respond to his cries! Hence, he stood by her body saying goodbye in pain.
P.S. We always wish to be birds so that we can soar away from whatever causes us pain not knowing that even the birds have painful memories that even flying would never cease !
P.P.S. The pictures were taken by a French photographer and were posted in a French newspaper which was sold out in one day!
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Utterly unbelievable!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Monday, 15 June 2009
Pluck you lol

Sunday, 14 June 2009
Tears in Heaven
This song always puts me into tears! Click on the link above
P.S. I know my question might be silly but anybody knows the way can I show videos other than posting the link?!
Monday, 8 June 2009
I salute you!

One of the becoming popular scenes in The Eastern Province-Saudi Arabia, specifically in the Green Belt Neighborhood is the scene of ladies driving bicycles.
What encouraged those ladies is the fact that bicycles are safe and cheap means of transportation which never opposes to the laws and regulations of Saudi Arabia.
Those ladies use it to go from one place to another inside the neighborhood itself which includes sometimes going to their work.
One of the bikes drivers stated that she started to save between 300-800 SR and that she no longer stays late for hours waiting for her husband to pick her up.
"I have never seen a Saudi girl using bicycles but I am sure they will soon especially inside neighborhoods and while going to school" another lady stated.
All what I can say is "I salute you ladies"!! I have always wanted to learn riding bikes but it seems I will finally do it :)
Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Friday, 29 May 2009
El Oreanato

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Till when Saudi Arabia!!

Thursday, 21 May 2009
Asoom from The Diary Squel has tagged me. So, here I am doing whatever this tag asks me to do :D. Assom, emwah
8 Things I'm looking foward to
Getting my dream job! hope the waiting won't be any longer
Meeting my friends in Monday.
Becoming an aunt for the 9th time "mashalla".
Spending an entire day with T my sweetest sweet.
Attending A's engagement :D
Pursue my higher education if I got the chance.
Making my eyebrows thicker this time :D. They are already thick but I wanna more lol
. Reaching the perfect weight soon :)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
Open a new female department for the girls at KFUPM. If only I studied there, I would have changed Saudi :D
Sponsor an orphan.
Get a visa card with a never ending account :D
Oh, driving! Not that I would kill to driver but I am sure I will be way better than those hasty drivers out there!
. Read minds.
Speak 5 languages.
Travel a lone or with a friend
Lead the life I want.
8 Things I love
Choclate Ice Cream
My friends.
Pina Colada.
Set Coms
Chciken BBQ Fillet
8 Things I Did Yesterday
Went to Applebee's to celebrate my neice's graduation from KG who slept when the dinner was served. So, there was no party
Had an argument with my best friend and hated myself for it SO MUCH!
Did some cleaning
Oh, dried my hair! Has been ages since I did it since my hair is soft lol
Went to the park with my nephew who got tired in the 2nd round!
Watched a movie which turned to be gay movie :S
Watched British Got Talent and LOVED Aiden the dancer and that little girl who sang for Alicia Keys
Took some photos :D
8 Shows I Watch
Gossip Girl
Samantha Who
Lie To me
Shameless>> started but stopped
7 will be Fringe since it's waiting in my hard desk
8 will be Entourage since it's waiting too lol
8 bloggers I tag
Desert Rose
Gone Bonkers
Zee Zee
Stand Alone
Friday, 15 May 2009
Is sexually abused! p3

Though it was hard for her to remember but she wanted to remember it! She was becoming a bride and the stories of girls not being virgins and the revenge of their grooms, the utter sadness and shame of their families, and the scandlous life she was going to lead scared her the most!! She did nothing wrong! She was just a victim and moreover a baby!! What was devastating was that she didn't remember if anything more the touching was happening! It was like her memory got frozen for certain reasons! The story of girls being killed in their wedding days because of their virginity being lost! What if people thought that she lost it on her own will because she was flirty?! What if that caused a big scandal to her family!!?
She heard the news and was in utter shock! He got engaged and he was getting married!! She saw the girl and felt a strange sense pity mixed with disgust for her! He was an animal!! How can he be a father for God's sake when he himself betrays childhood and an innocent soul!! She had more than once thought of calling her and telling her all the story! She just couldn't! "That would make a scandal" she thought. It would ruin the relationship between her father and uncle which she would never agree on! If the son is an animal in the shape of a human being, the uncle has nothing to do with it!!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Working Out